47 year old man with Pyelonephritis

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/ guardian's signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box are welcome.

Here is a case I have seen:

A 47 year old man, farmer, presented to the casualty with the complains of

Reduced urine output since 1 month 

Dyspnea at rest 6 days 

Burning micturation since 6 days 

White colored urine since 6 days

Vomitings 3 episodes yesterday

Hiccups since last night 

Patient works as a farmer, got married to a coolie and has 2 sons. The elder one is unemployed while the younger one works as a nurse. He has been consuming alcohol 3 times a week over the last 30 years. Usually consumes 90- 180ml whiskey when he does.Last alcohol consumption was 1 month back.Has been chewing tobacco atleast 2 times per day over the last 30 years.

Wasn't previously admitted in any hospital and hasnt been on any medications.

1 month back he noticed that he has been having reduced urine output. 

1 week back he had dyspnea at rest which was sudden in onset along difficulty to pass urine and burning micturation for which he was taken to a local hospital where he was put on foleys catether and admitted. They even noticed he had white colored urine. He was given Inj Doxycycline for 3 days. Since the last 4 days he also has been having fever,  high grade, sudden in onset, associated with chills that is 2 days after admission. They were told he needed blood transfusions as his platelet count was low. He was given one SDP tranfusion in the outside hospital. 

Since yesterday morning he has had 3 episodes of vomitings which were containing food particles, yellow in color, non bilious, non blood tinged, non foul smelling. Since last night he has been even complaining of hiccups. 

He is thin built , appears pale

Pallor +

Icterus +

Temp 103 F

BP 80/50mmhg

PR - 110 bpm

Cvs - S1,S2+

Lungs - Inspiratory crackles in Left IMA

Reduced breath sounds in ISA bilaterally

Abdomen - non tender on palpation 

Bowel sounds +

Outside TLC trends 

17/8 - 9000

18/8 - 26,000 with a platelet count of 13,000 cells/cumm

22/8 - 30,000

Serum creatinine - 8 mg/dl

His outside cue shows loaded ous cells with the presence of 8-10 epithelial cells and one plus albumin.


                                                                             Chest X-ray 



                                                                        X-ray Abdomen


The patient was given continuous IV fluids and his BP got up to 110/70mmhg by 6am.

He also has been febrile since last night

At 8pm his temperature was 103 F for which he was put on Inj Neomol 100ml IV and at 6am his temperature is 100F. We have been giving him tepid sponging as well. 

Day 2:

47 year old man with

Reduced urine output since 1 month

Dyspnea at rest 6 days back 

Burning micturation since 6 days 

White coloured urine since 6 days

Vomitings since yesterday

Hiccups since last night 


UTI leading to Acute Pyelonephritis


Septic shock ( resolved) 


Day 3:

47 year old man with Acute Pyelonephritis secondary to UTI


Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia with hypoalbuminaemia 


Complaining of hiccups 

Appetite has improved 

No episodes of fever since 1 day

PR - 110bpm

RR at 19 cpm

Bp at 130/70mmhg

Spo2 maintaining at 98%

Grbs -108mg/dl

Cvs - S1,S2 +

Lungs - clear 

Good urine out - 1100/1900

Counts have reduced from 19000 yesterday to 15000

Serum creatinine-3.2

Blood urea - 117

Na - 125

TB - 3.2

DB - 1.2

ALP - 386 A

Plan for CT KUB 

Will look for studies on effect of 3%NaCl for his hiccups as his sodium is 125.

Day 4:

47 years old man with 

Bilateral Hydroureteronephrosis

No fresh compliants

Bowel sounds +

yesterdays counts: 

TLC: 13,700

Hb: 8.6

RBC :2.94

PLT: 2.18

Built: Thin

pallor icterus absent

temp: 98.4°F

BP: 110/80mmHg

Pulse: 96bpm

CVS: S1 S2 +


Abdomen - non tender on palpation 

Bowel sounds +

Plan:  Plan for discharge .Cystoscopy after 2 weeks of PU catheter for 2 weeks



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