70 year old man with left-sided Hemiplegia, CKD stage 4, ? Anemia of chronic disease, , K/C/O old CVA and Hypertension

 A 70 year old man, who was a farmer, came with c/o weakness of left upper limb and left lower limb and difficulty in speaking since yesterday.

He stopped working as a farmer 1 year ago and quit smoking and alcohol intake too.

H/o CVA 1 year ago (left UL and LL weakness) for which he used medication for 4 months and stopped 

K/C/O HTN since 1 year and is on regular medication: Tab. Telma 20mg OD and Tab. Cilnidipine 10mg OD

K/C/O CKD since 1 year and was started on Tab. Nodosis, Tab. Orofer, and Tab. Vit. D3 which he was using irregularly and then he stopped 2 months ago and started again 20 days back

6 months ago, he was hit by a bull and fractured his shaft of left Femur. He went to a local RMP and got a cast and was walking with the help of a stand ever since.

1 month ago, he attained a left arm fracture for which his attenders took the patient to a local k-pal (RMP) and got casting done. The cast was removed 1 week back and he was able to move his hand but since yesterday he has been having difficulty lifting his left arm.

No H/O LOC, seizures, vomiting, and trauma

No H/O SOB, Fever, cold, and cough 

No H/O burning micturition, and loose stools

No H/O involuntary movements


The patient is conscious, coherent, and cooperative, oriented to time, place, and person.


Pallor is present

B/L pedal edema, pitting type, extending up to the knee and left leg externally rotated

BP: 140/90 mmHg

PR: 119 bpm

RR: 24 cpm

Spo2: 98% at RA

CVS: S1S2 +, no murmurs


P/A: soft, nontender


HMF- patient conscious 

speech- no response

MMSE- not elicited

Cranial Nerves-

1st nerve not elicited

2nd nerve not elicited                                       

3rd, 4th, and 6th nerves:     Rt       Lt

                     Pupil size:      N         N

                     DLR/CLR:     N         N

No ptosis or nystagmus.

5th nerve: Sensory: not elicited

                 Motor: not elicited

Corneal reflex normal

Conjuctival reflex normal

7th nerve: Motor: nasolabial fold lost on left side

                             no deviation of mouth

                Sensory: corneal and conjunctival reflexes normal

                                secretomotor moistness of eye and tongue normal

                                buccal mucosa normal

8th nerve: Rinne's and Weber's not elicited

9th and 10th nerve: Uvula centrally placed

                             gag not elicited

11th nerve: Trapezieus not elicited

                    Sternocleidomastoid not elicited

12th nerve: tongue tone normal, no wasting, no fibrillations, no deviation of tongue


                         Right.         Left

Bulk:                Normal      Normal

Tone:  UL:       Decreased   Normal

            LL:      Decreased    Normal

Power:             not elicited


   Superficial reflexes:

                      Right          Left

Corneal          P                   P

Conjunctival  P                  P

Abdominal      -                  - 

Plantar           flexor     flexor

    Deep tendon reflexes: 

                     Right.             Left

Biceps.        Absent            Absent

Triceps.       Absent            Absent

Supinator.    Absent            Absent

Knee             +                    not elicitable due to fracture 

Ankle.           Absent           Absent

Primitive reflex -absent

Involuntary movements - absent 


Not elicited

Pain present in all four limbs


Titubation - absent

Nystagmus- absent

Intentional tremors - absent

Pendular knee jerk - absent 

Coordination test not done


Kernig's sign - negative

Brudzinki's sign - negative



HB: 7.4    

Platelets: 1.83 lakhs

TLC:  7,700                          

2D Echo report

Ultrasound report

Day 2

  • He may be having an acute infarct in the right MCA due to left upper limb and left lower limb hemiplegia.  
  • He was diagnosed with CKD a year ago 
  • K/C/O old CVA
  • K/C/O Hypertension since 1 year
  • The patient has an altered sensorium and is oriented to time, place, but not person. 
  • Afebrile 
  • BP: 130/90 mmHg
  • PR: 105 bpm
  • RR: 20 cpm
  • Spo2: 93% at RA
  • GRBS: 136 mg/dl
  • Pallor is present
  • B/L pitting pedal edema is present up to the knee
  • left leg is externally rotated
  • CVS: S1S2 heard
  • RS: BAE present, coarse crepitations are present at the infraclavicular and mammary region
  • P/A: soft, bowel sounds are sluggish and patient didn't pass stools since 5 days
  • Pupils are reacting to light
1) Air/ water bed
2) propped up position and frequent change of posture second hourly
3) RT feeds: 100ml milk and protein and 50 ml water second hourly
4) IVF NS and RL
5) Inj. LASIK 40 MG/IV/BD if BP is > 110mmHg
6) Nebulization with Budecort and Ipratropium bromide 12th hourly
7) Nebulization with Mucomist 8th hourly
8) oral suctioning
9) chest physiotherapy
10) Tab. Ecospirin 75 mg
11) Tab. Atorvas 40 mg
12) Monocef 1 gm

2D Echo report

X-ray pelvis

X-ray left Humerus AP view

X-ray Humerus lateral view

MRI Brain


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